Author: admin

New Administration – New Policies on Asylum Seekers

New Administration – New Policies on Asylum Seekers

The Biden/Harris Administration will take a new approach to asylum seekers. The next president will need to take urgent action to end the Trump Administration’s draconian policies, grounded in fear and racism rather than fact, work to heal the wounds inflicted on immigrant communities, and restore America’s moral leadership. As president, Biden will move immediately...

November 18, 2020November 18, 2020by
John Oliver takes on the asylum process

John Oliver takes on the asylum process

Many of us love John Oliver’s hilarious and informative takes on key issues in American life. This time, he’s talking about something near and dear to PTV: the dismantling of our asylum system and cruelty toward immigrants. We hope you’ll watch and learn!

October 30, 2020December 8, 2020by